Monday, October 19, 2009

Brooklyn Banks to be closed?! HEINOUS!!!

I saw this over on Prolly's blog and left a long ass comment. Figured I'd toss it up here while I was at it:

I was there the day when they closed the smaller upper section of the banks. Close to 10 years ago now. We were all just skating like we always did when this dude in a fork lift just barges up right in the middle of us with these 20' highway dividers and starts dropping em in front towards the bottom. No one said anything at all or told us to watch out. Everyone was like: WTF is going on?!! Realizing there was nothing we could do about it, my friends and I spent the next five or so minutes taking turns spotting for each other and ollieing the wall into the off ramp. As each barrier came down closer to the part easiest to hit, we would move over to the section that was lower making it harder to hit off of. But when that last barrier came down that was it. No more Brooklyn Banks. The lower part was still open but wasn't as popular to skate at the time as the smaller upper part and of course, no wall ollie. It was a sad day and I'm glad I was there to skate it right up until the last minute. I feel like they eventually took the barriers away but with all the cars parked there it was always a bust. The fact that the rest is being closed now really fucking sucks! All us locals need to make it a point to head over there to get our last sessions in..



Sam said...

I'm concerned. Will it be permanently unskateable? or closed off during construction and we can shred it again?

Alan Sikirić said...

Not sure man. From what I've read here and there I think we're pretty much fucked until the construction is over. 4 years is the number I've seen :(